
We provide software development services and ready solutions by automating your business flow with our innovative applications.

  • Indore, India
  • 0731-4247743
  • +91 9754708777
  • info@tracencode.com


A UI/UX is the most important aspect of a website or a web page. This is a showcase about the reputation of the website owners and the quality of services being offered. It is observed that the websites with good UI/UX have been gaining 70% more business as compared to the conventional HTML websites.

Website Design

Your businesses' reality is not defined by your intentions but by your user's interactions with you. This means your website, and its UI/UX goes a long way in determining your success. We have a team of expert creatives that uses the latest UI/UX Development Tools, Technologies & Frameworks like - Bootstrap, HTML5, SASS, SCSS & CSS. Not just that but also experienced in Javascript frameworks like - Angular JS, Vue JS, and JQuery.

A website UX/UI can guide your customers to where you want them to go. Better UX can lead to higher sales. The crux of what we do focuses on analyzing and researching our client's target customers, building better user personas, and mapping out the user's journey on the site.

Why choose us? ?

  • Information Architecture with Supportive UI

    With our unique UI and UX, we add value to the natural behavior of users to produce
    a desired effect on your targeted audience.

  • IA and Wireframe

    We design wireframes to help visualize data structures and represent the features
    for early testing of workflows, navigation, and overall data structure.

  • User Testing

    We conduct sessions for user-testing and gather valuable feedback and insights that transform this data into actionable design improvements.

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility

    We emphasize on the core principles of UI design and functionality implementation to deliver responsive and cross-platform compatible designs.