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Odoo Looped-In Integration

The project developed on Odoo is a powerful integration between Odoo and Loopedin, designed to help businesses streamline their customer relationship management (CRM) and marketing automation processes. The integration enables businesses to manage their customer data and marketing campaigns more effectively, all from one platform.

  • Client
    Fabio T.
  • Category
  • Date
    Oct. 3, 2022
Odoo Looped-In Integration

Key Features

  • Customer Data Integration: The Odoo and Loopedin integration allows businesses to import customer data from Loopedin into Odoo, ensuring that their customer data is accurate and up-to-date across all channels.
  • Effective Customer Interaction Management: This integration enables businesses to manage their customer interactions more effectively, from lead generation to customer service and support.
  • Automated Marketing Campaigns: Businesses can automate their marketing campaigns more effectively with the Odoo and Loopedin integration. They can create targeted campaigns based on customer data in Odoo and send them automatically through Loopedin, improving their ROI.
  • Advanced Customization: The project developed on Odoo provides advanced customization options, allowing businesses to tailor the integration to their specific needs. This includes customizing customer data fields and marketing campaign templates for better campaign resonance.